Thursday, April 2, 2009

Social Justice

Social justice is having the guts to teach your students the way that you feel is correct according to how you think your students will learn the best. You generally don't have any guidelines nor do you listen to other teachers views on how to teach.

Sometimes, it is good to go to others when you're first starting to teach. This can give you some idea on how you will teach your very own classroom. For example, I'm an afterschool teacher but if I hadn't observed within any classrooms, I wouldn't really know how to manage my children in my classroom.

After reading this article, I'm curious to know why some teachers are so nurturing and others are so care free with their students? I think maybe it really depends on the personality to begin with. If you start with a teacher who loves everyone and lives a very happy, loving life; you're going to get a nurturing teacher. If you start with someone mean or haggish, most likely you'll have a very unhappy year with this teacher.

To bring outside sources in, I'm actually going to talk about a show I watch on television that has social justice in it. There is a woman and she is a teacher in a high school. While in the classroom, the teacher assigns a writing contest to her class. Surprisingly, the rebel in the class wins the contest. The teacher knows that the principal really doesn't this student but she decides to publish the rebels piece in the newspaper. The principal says that if she publishes this piece then she will be fired. The teacher thinks this is crazy and just quits instead to show how she doesn't believe in the way the principal is acting.

I think social justice is very important because it can change an entire classroom depending on the way you feel about a certain situation.

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