Thursday, April 30, 2009

Time To Say Goodbye

I can't believe another semester is over at Salem State. I've finally reached my senior year in college and I don't know if I'm ready to venture out into the real world.

I really got a lot out of this course. This is my second time taking the course. The first time, I got an incomplete that turned into an F because of an illness. This time I got to complete all my observations and I really enjoy being in a classroom.

I enjoyed doing blogs. I didn't really find them to be a pain at all. It was fun researching on topics such as social justice, Montessori schooling, and homework. I really enjoyed writing my blog on "how much homework is to much homework?" It was crazy how much homework some schools actually assign their students. I would never be able to finish all of that work.

I liked writing about the different types of schooling because it made me research something I had no idea about. I also liked writing about Vocational Schooling because so many of my friends had gone to one and I was always curious about what they entailed.

My favorite part of this entire course was the time I spent in my classroom. I really loved my students. They were all so hardworking and all they wanted to do was learn. Luckily, I still am able to see all of my children in my after school program. They always brag to all the other children, "Miss Cristina was our teacher and not yours!" It makes me really happy knowing that the students loved me that much. On my last day of observing they asked me when I would be teaching my own classroom and I told them probably not for another two years. They all frowned because by that time they would be sixth graders in middle school.

In concluding my blog, I really got a lot out of this class and I really hope it helps me in my own classroom some day!

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