Thursday, March 5, 2009

How Much Homework Is To Much Homework?

Families play a large role in the education of the children of America. Everyday a mother, a father, a sister, a brother will help their kin with their homework; therefore homework can be a concern for the entire family.

Parents ask their children everyday, "Why is your brother getting more homework then you are?" "Why are you getting more homework then your sister?" This can sometimes stereotype a family into making a parent think one of their children is smarter than the other one.

There are many reasons for teachers assigning homework. Three main reasons are: 1) to review and practice what you've learned 2) to get ready for the next day's class 3) to learn to use resources such as libraries, reference materials, and encyclopedia's.

Parents wonder if their children are actually being educated when they're doing their homework. Infact, students are being refreshed with the knowledge that they have learned previous that day so that they can be sharp with their learning.

You ask how much homework is to much homework? For an average elementary student, 40 minutes should be the maximum for them. For an average middle school student, they could suffer with up to 2 hours of homework.

Some helpful ways you can get your child to focus are as follows. If you set a regular time to do your homework, then most likely, the child will know exactly when it is time to do homework and that will be the first thing on the childs mind. You should pick a place where you can do your homework in the same spot everynight because routine is key. Removing all distractions can cause efficiency in doing your homework and maybe it can even reduce time.
There are also many special education students within my program. We usually allow them to take more then one night to do their homework. Just like a regular student, you need to follow the same steps with a special education student. These children should be watched carefully because they can easily mix up something that is so basic yet it can be so difficult for them. This is why sometimes even a parent may want to be able to be good at inclusion when raising a special education student. The boy that we have in our program is in fact very very smart but he just learns a bit slower then the other children. He tends to pay attention to detail and is very careful when working on his homework. He doesn't like to move onto something else unless he completely understands the task he has just completed. We like to give him special attention because he has advanced so much and we really are so proud of him for all of the effort he has put into understanding his classroom work and the hardwork he puts in on his homework!

As a child, I always did my homework on time and I always did it right when I got home from school because I always had soccer practice or some kind of extra curricular activity. I would always get 100% on all my homework because I always did it in the same spot and I had no distractions because I knew if I turned the television on before I was finished then my mother would be very mad at me.

I know that as a parent, I'll be able to efficiently help my child be successful with his homework.

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